written by
Kyle Thumm

Reasons to Spend Time on Content Marketing

Marketing Tips 4 min read

Content is KING! You have heard it a million times but is content marketing still important in 2019?

The answer is a resounding YES.

While content marketing is now much more challenging than 10 years ago, it is still possible to grow and audience and grow your business with QUALITY content.

I get it... your time is super valuable and you feel like creating content is a poor use of time. But take a look at this statistic:

70% of customers prefer content marketing to typical advertising channels.

If 70% of your customers prefer content to normal advertising. Then shouldn't it be worth your time?

If you are unconvinced or on the fence, below are the 8 biggest reasons about why you should invest your precious time into producing content.

1) "Content Educates your audience."

Marketing is all about providing Value

By providing education for your audience you make them more informed about your services! The more informed they are, the better they will be able to make a decision about hiring someone.

A CONFUSED Mind will never buy a product. Provide as many answers to possible questions as possible and ensure that your potential customers are never confused!

2) Content is Evergreen

Content Marketing produces marketing that is evergreen like these beautiful trees
Like these beautiful trees, Content isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

One of the best things about content is that it isn't going anywhere.

Blog articles & YouTube Videos will be around forever! That means that it's possible people with be stumbling onto my beautiful face for years to come.

Content is a long term game and while we might not be getting the traffic that we want in the present, it is always important to keep our eyes on the big picture.

3) Content Marketing Makes You A Thought Leader

You can be the greatest mind in the history of your industry… but unless you share your knowledge, no one will ever know.

Share your knowledge often and brand yourself as the expert in your field.

If you aren't producing content in the digital age then you have find it much more difficult to scale your brand's impact.

4) Content Builds a Relationship with Your Audience

The more that you help people… the more that they like you.

The more that they like you, the more likely they are to buy from you!

So therefore, the more that you help people the more they will buy.

It is extremely simplified way to look at it but it's important to remember that you need to form these relationships because it will lead to more sales!

Video allows you to connect with people especially well and to let them them connect with you at a more personal level.

P.S. Always ask your audience questions so that you can help them. By asking questions consistently you can show them that you care about them. When you are growing your content then you need to go above and beyond to form relationships with engaged followers.

5) Content Marketing Facilitates Customer Loyalty

Content marketing help with customer loyalty as well. Content correlates with happier customers.

Most of the reasons on this list are focused on how content helps you to get NEW customers, but #5 is all about how it can help you to KEEP your current customers.

Shoot to over deliver on all of your content and never give your customers a reason to doubt your expertise.

Go to your customers to find out what questions you should be answering via content, then create the piece of content that answers the questions and share it with them.

It's a nice little resource that you can use in the future and it will really go a long wy to showing your current clients that you care about them.

6) Content Give Customers Something to Share

As I mentioned at the beginning, content is about VALUE.

The best thing about value is that people are open to sharing it on your behalf! Every single share of content Is a chance to broaden your network & your lead pool

Make your content so good that your customers can't help but to share it.

Best part is that if your content is good enough to get a lot of shares then the exposure is FREE!

7) Content Marketing Improves SEO

High Quality COntent Marketing Can Provide Awesome SEO results as depicted in this chart

Google doesn't like websites that are static or stay the same.

By continuously updating content you will be able to improve your SEO and get more traffic from less competitive search traffic.

When doing keyword research, focus on some long tail keywords that are going to be less competitive and focus on producing content for the search terms that you are most likely to make the first page for.

Long Tail Keywords: is a keyword phrase that aims to capture search traffic from a specific, often 3+ word search query.  Source

8) Content Boosts Business Growth

Look at all the incredible entrepreneurs who have utilized content marketing to grow their businesses.

Gary Vee, Grant Cardone, Russell Brunson etc.

These businessmen understand that once you have an audience & a following in the online world, you have a trusted captivated audience that you will be able to sell to for YEARS to come.

Content is all about personal branding and then gaining the customer's trust so that they will make the future purchases that you recommend.

Conclusion: Content Marketing (TLDR)

  1. Create helpful content
  2. Build Relationship with your tribe
  3. Establish your personal brand
  4. Provide them with the products & services that they need.

Agree/Disagree? Let me know in the comments down below!
